
Psst... Wanna hear a secret? I'm writing a book! After years in the PO and PM trenches, I'm sharing my wisdom (and a few hard-earned lessons) in a handy guide for newcomers. Think of it as your survival kit for those first few months in a new PO gig. I'll give you the big picture, offer some friendly advice, and try to manage your expectations (because let's face it, this job isn't always rainbows and unicorns).

Okay, okay, it won't magically transform you into a product guru overnight. But if you stick with it, you might just emerge a slightly wiser, more confident PO. And who knows, you might even start enjoying Mondays. (Okay, maybe not.)

The ink is barely dry on the first page, with a target publication date of 2025.

Want to be in the know and get sneak peeks along the way? Join my (not-so-secret) league of book-loving insiders by signing up below!